The Pony Express service was implemented as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic as a temporary solution to open the Appaloosa Library. Appaloosa Library had been closed since March 18, 2020 and due to budget constraints, Scottsdale Public Library was unable to open the building with staff out on the floor.
On March 15, 2021, Appaloosa Library's building opened to registered Pony Express patrons during limited hours (4 hours a day, 6 days a week). Pony Express @ Appaloosa allows registered Scottsdale Public Library patrons access to the Appaloosa Library, without staff present, in order to browse the library collection, check out items, use public computers, Wi-Fi and the study room. Scottsdale Public Library used Open Plus technology which would read a patron's library card, have them enter their PIN and the doors to the library will open. Patrons need to register at the Appaloosa Drive-Thru window to gain this access.
Image CCL-LIB-2021-0029 shows the Pony Express library management team (left to right) of Appaloosa Branch Manager, Sky Larsen; Library Director, Kira Peters; Programs, Outreach, Training and Volunteer Services manager, Melissa Orr; Building Operations and Public Services manager, Mandy Carrico; and Support Services manager, Beckie Gallivan Butler.
Image CCL-LIB-2021-0030 shows staff at Appaloosa during Pony Express sign-up week. From left to right, Ben Chabot, Heather Sollom-Smith, Lynn Haskell, Sky Larsen, Kassie Green, and Ginny Myrick.
Image CCL-LIB-2021-0031 shows the first patron signing in to Pony Express on March 15, 2021.